Tuesday, April 23, 2019

How to Build Your Author Platform - Part 7 - Don't Stop At One

Don't Stop at One!

Done correctly, a book series often results in the sale of many more books than a single book by an author.

While most of us think of fiction books working this way, the same is true for non-fiction. Once a reader likes what they are reading, they will look for books by the same author.

Have you ever found yourself waiting for the next book in a series to come out? And
the next one after that? I have!  I recently picked up a book at my local library from an author I had never heard of...and found she had written a complete series based on the storyline of seven sisters. Do you think I went looking for those books, after spending delightful evenings spellbound by the storyline? Absolutely!

While a book series is not for every author or every story, if you haven’t already
thought about it, here are a couple of reasons it may be worth considering.

You Have Too Much Content for One Book

Often publishing consultants will tell their authors that their book is simply too long.

That's one instance of when a series is born. Chances are, your readers have developed a soft spot for them too and will want to read more about them.

For fiction writers, if you have too much content for one book and you have compelling characters with strong stories of their own, you have good reason to turn your book into a series. Consider stretching the storyline for one or more minor characters you've become especially fond of.

With a series, you don't have to start your next book with a blank slate; you have familiar characters, storylines, and settings to return to.

There's a reason why the Harry Potter and Game of Thrones books are so popular.
Readers love following characters they are not ready to let go of. Once you have
created characters readers love, or love to hate, you have an established fan base
waiting for more. When readers fall for even a minor character, reading book three or
four in a series is akin to checking in on old friends.

We have an author who is developing a line of books for children. While the characters are fictional, what she teaches is not. A bear is the central theme of her book, (Bear Gets His Heart Checked) and "bear" has a heart condition and is going to the cardiologist for the first time. Skillfully she teaches bear what to expect and explains all those big, scary machines and strange noises.

The same holds true for non-fiction writers as I mentioned above. Another of our authors has written a solid series called the Confidence Series. Confident Leadership, Confident Public Speaking, and Confident Reinvention are among her titles, with more on the way.

Chances are, your readers have developed a respect for the author and like their style and return for more.

The Added Bonus!

A book series helps your Book Promotion!

Another reason to write a book series is a built-in book marketing strategy.

When book two comes out, you can revitalize interest in the series and drum up promotion
for book one all over again.

  • Write an attractive ad for your first book and put it in the back of book two.
  • Consider offering a price promotion on the first book to get new readers hooked on your series. 
  • Giving your first book away or selling it for 99 cents.

Be sure to use the "real estate" in the front or back pages of your book to advertise the other books in your series.

While at first glimpse, this might seem contrary to making money from your writing, however, as previously mentioned, with a book series you get to play the long game.

Readers of fiction books know that their favorite characters from book one are bound to return in the second or third book, and if they’re engaged with you and your writing, they’ll buy every book in the series to find out what happens next.

For those searching for answers, once they find a reliable expert on a non-fiction book, they will be more likely to return for more by the same author.

Is this helping you expand your mind as to the opportunities that lay ahead of you?

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